Brix is a measurement of sugar content in a liquid. When apples are milled and then pressed into juice, the sugar in the juice is measured in brix. One degree brix is equivalent to one gram of sucrose in 100g of solution. This is the same measurement used ubiquitously in the wine and fruit juice industry. On average, the majority of apples grown in Washington state will be between 12-13° brix. The sugar in apple juice is what is fermented to produce alcohol and trace amounts of CO2, resulting in hard cider!
After fermentation, additional sugars can be added to the cider so that they contain residual sugar. The source of this additional sugar can come not only from apple juice, but also other forms of sugar like honey or other fruits. The residual sugar content of a cider plays an important role in helping to balance out the acidity and flavors of a drink.

We include the brix level of all of our ciders on our labels, boxes, and cans so that everyone – cider connoisseurs and cider novices – can know beforehand how much actual sugar the beverage contains. We are strong believers that there is a cider for everyone!
Our Seattle Cider Dry cider is fermented completely dry and contains no residual sugar, or 0° brix, some of our other ciders contain small amounts of residual sugar indicated by the brix on our labels. The majority of our hard ciders will fall on the lower side of the brix scale between 0 and 3 brix. This covers the range of Dry to Semi-Sweet. No matter what your preference, the fastest way to find what you like is to be on the look out for the brix number – which will tell you how sweet it is!
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